Online Booking
My iGP Membership Online Booking
Please note that this booking is for My IGP patients who pay monthly only. If you do not pay monthly and proceed with this booking, your appointment will automatically be removed.
Please note that this booking is for My IGP patients who pay monthly only. If you do not pay monthly and proceed with this booking, your appointment will automatically be removed.
Information: Registered Members can book an appointment with GP in clinic directly online using the link below. Please ensure that you are a registered member when booking using the following link as unregistered patient booking will be removed.
Time: 20 minutes
Cost: Free for My IGP patients
Information: Registered Members can book a GP video/phone appointment directly online using the link below. Please ensure that you are a registered member when booking using the following link as unregistered patient booking will be removed.
Time: 15 Minutes
Cost: Free for My IGP patients
In order to order a repeat prescription, you must first complete the following form indicating which medicines you require, the quanities and dosages of the medicine.
The Independent General Practice
Copyright 2024 - Registered in England and Wales No 5122019.