This page is to book a Copper Coil Insertion or Replacement appointment in clinic. An instant pregnancy, chlamydia and gonorrhea test will be carried out before your insertion. Please bring a urine sample with you to your appointment. An in date coil, effective contraception or abstinence from sex is required for the 3 weeks before the pregnancy test. If your coil is in date no abstinence is required. If you experience any of the following you will not be able to proceed with the insertion; bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, passing clots or flooding through tampons.
Please Click Continue to confirm you have read the above and to book your appointment online.
ContinueThis page is to book a Copper Coil Insertion or Replacement appointment in clinic. An instant pregnancy, chlamydia and gonorrhea test will be carried out before your insertion. Please bring a urine sample with you to your appointment. An in date coil, effective contraception or abstinence from sex is required for the 3 weeks before the pregnancy test. If your coil is in date no abstinence is required. If you experience any of the following you will not be able to proceed with the insertion; bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, passing clots or flooding through tampons.
For help with your booking, please Click Here for more information and booking instructions.
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Please Note: Payment will be required at the time of booking.
For help with your booking please contact 03456252252.
The Independent General Practice
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