Occupational Health

Absence Management

Effective Absence Management can Get Your Employees Back To Work Quickly, Productively And Safely.

Sickness absence can be extremely costly for your business. This not only includes the direct financial loss, but also that of service provision, productivity and management time, in addition to the disruption it causes to colleagues and consistent customer relations.

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Absence Management

Absence Management Reports

IGP Occupational Health provides absence management reports for companies who have employees on short and long-term sickness. Our experienced occupational health doctors can assess your employees health status and working environment in order to assess the expected return to work time frame. We can also suggest adjustments that may need to be made to facilitate a return to work and, if necessary, we can refer to a specialist or provide the treatment that will expedite the recovery period.

For long term absence we offer:

  • Assessment & Report - We provide a written evaluation of the employees' capability to perform the job.

  • Return-to-Work - We provide advice and facilitate support towards a likely return to work date.

  • NHS Liaison - With consent, we can liaise with the employee's NHS doctor and/or obtain the employee's NHS records.

  • Fast-Track Referrals - In most instances we are able fast-track specialist and/or consultant referrals.

  • General Medical Information - We can provide information about certain illnesses with proposed rehabilitation plans.

  • Employees also benefit by having fast and ongoing access to medical advice, consistent treatment of all absence and higher morale, which leads to increased retention.

    We have an employee on long-term sickness absence, how can IGP help?

    The first stage is to assess the cause of the absence. This involves the employee attending an appointment with a qualified Occupational Health advisor so they can generate a report relating to the cause of absence. This report will also be used to suggest a potential return to work date and any possible changes that would need to be made in the workplace to assist the employee's recovery.

    How do we refer an employee to IGP Occupational Health?

    Simply complete the contact form using the link below and we will email you a copy of our referral template. Once you have completed and returned we can arrange a suitable appointment. In our referral document you are given an opportunity to outline the employee's current situation. We will automatically answer a number of standard questions relating to the employee's absence. However, if you also have your own questions, we ask that you include these prior to the appointment as part of the referral.

    Contact Form

    If you have a question you would like to ask us or if you are trying to get hold of us outside of office hours, send us a quick message or request a call back.

    *Name (Required):
    *Email (Required):
    Preferred Clinic Location:

    By submitting this form, you are agreeing to The Independent General Practice contacting you to discuss a related service or treatment or to arrange an appointment. The information provided here will not be passed on to 3rd parties and will be deleted once we have successfully contacted you.

    Immediate Absence Management Solutions

    IGP Occupational Health also work with a number of businesses who require instant feedback on staff absence, and so, we have a developed a solution whereby staff report the reason for their absence. An advisor is then able to liaise directly with the employee on the day of their absence, offering health advice to ensure a quick and suitable return to work schedule. We are then able to report back with an indication of the length of absence and the likely short and long-term impact.

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